Inter Part II Papers 2015

obj (Fine Art)

obj (Geography)

obj (Library Science)

obj (Outlines of Home Economics)

obj (Persian)

obj (Philosophy)

OBJ (Principles of Accounting)

obj (Principles of Commerce)

obj (Principles of Economics & Commercial

obj (Psychology)

obj (Saraiki)

obj (Urdu Advance)

obj _Business Mathematics and Statistics

obj _Business Mathematics and Statistics

obj _English Elective

obj _PAKISTANI CULTURE_ _For Foreign Students in Lieu of Urdu Compulsory

obj _Principles of Commerce Computer Studies

obj a (Urdu Compulsory Group-I)

obj a (Arabic)

obj a (Civics)

obj a (Economics)

obj a (Education)

obj a (Health and Physical Education)

obj a (History of Islam (Abbasids of Baghd

obj a (History of Islam (Muslims in Spain)

obj a (History of Pakistan 1947-1973)

obj A (Islamic Studies Elective)

obj a (Pakistan Studies Group-I)

obj a (Pakistan Studies Group-II)

obj a (Punjabi) obj a (Sociology)

obj a (Urdu Compulsory Group-II)

obj A _Biology

obj A Chemistry Group-I

obj A Chemistry Group-II

obj a Computer Science

obj A English Compulsory

obj A Mathematics Group-I

obj A Physics Group-I

obj A Physics Group-II

obj A Statistics

obj a SP (Arabic)

obj a SP (Education)

obj a SP (Health and Physical Education

obj A SP (Islamic Studies Elective)

obj a SP (Pakistan Studies)

obj a SP (Urdu Compulsory)

obj A SP _English Compulsory

obj b (Arabic)

obj b (Civics)

obj b (Economics)

obj b (Education)

obj b (Health and Physical Education)

obj b (History of Islam (Abbasids of Baghd

obj b (History of Islam (Muslims in Spain)

obj b (History of Pakistan 1947-1973)

obj b (Islamic Studies Elective)

obj b (Pakistan Studies Group-I)

obj b (Pakistan Studies Group-II)

obj b (Punjabi)



obj b (Sociology)

obj b (Urdu Compulsory Group-I)

obj b (Urdu Compulsory Group-II)

obj b Biology

obj b Chemistry Group-I

obj b Chemistry Group-II

obj b Computer Science

obj b Mathematics Group-I

obj b Physics Group-I

obj b Physics Group-II

obj b Statistics

obj b. Mathematics Group-II

obj c (Arabic)

obj c (Civics)

obj c (Economics)

obj c (Education)

obj c (Health and Physical Education)

obj c (History of Islam (Abbasids of Baghd

obj c (History of Islam (Muslims in Spain)

obj c (History of Pakistan 1947-1973)

obj c (Islamic Studies Elective)

obj c (Pakistan Studies Group-I)

obj c (Pakistan Studies Group-II)

obj c (Punjabi)

obj c (Sociology)

obj c (Urdu Compulsory Group-I)

obj c (Urdu Compulsory Group-II)

obj c Biology

obj c Chemistry Group-I

obj c Chemistry Group-II

obj c Computer Science

obj c Mathematics Group-I

obj c Mathematics Group-II

obj c Physics Group-I

obj c Physics Group-II

obj c Statistics

obj d (Arabic)

obj d (Civics)

obj d (Economics)

obj d (Education)

obj d (Health and Physical Education)

obj d (History of Islam (Abbasids of Baghd

obj d (History of Islam (Muslims in Spain)

obj d (History of Pakistan 1947-1973)

obj d (Islamic Studies Elective)

obj d (Pakistan Studies Group-I)

obj d (Pakistan Studies Group-II)

obj d (Punjabi)

obj d (Sociology)

obj d (Urdu Compulsory Group-I)

obj d (Urdu Compulsory Group-II)

obj d Biology

obj d Chemistry Group-I

obj d Chemistry Group-II

obj d Computer Science

obj d Mathematics Group-I

obj d Mathematics Group-II

obj d Physics Group-I

obj d Physics Group-II

obj d Statistics

obj. (Fine Art)

obj. (Geography)

obj. (Library Science)

obj. (Outlines of Home Economics)

OBJ. (Principles of Accounting)

obj. (Psychology)

obj. Principles of Commerce Computer Studies

obj. a (Health and Physical Education)

obj. A Biology

obj. A Chemistry Group-I_


obj. A Chemistry Group-II

obj. A Mathematics Group-I

obj. A Mathematics Group-II

obj. A Physics Group-I

obj. A Statistics

obj. A. Chemistry Group-I

obj. a. Computer Science

obj. A. Physics Group-I

obj. A. Physics Group-II

obj. b (Health and Physical Education)

obj. b Biology

obj. b Computer Science

obj. b Statistics

obj. B. Chemistry Group-I

obj. B. Chemistry Group-II

obj. b. Physics Group-I

obj. b. Physics Group-II

obj. c (Health and Physical Education)

obj. c Biology

obj. c Computer Science

obj. c Statistics

obj. C. Chemistry Group-I

obj. C. Chemistry Group-II

obj. c. Physics Group-I

obj. c. Physics Group-II

obj. d (Health and Physical Education)

obj. d Biology

obj. d Computer Science

obj. d Statistics

obj. D. Chemistry Group-I

obj. D. Chemistry Group-II

obj. d. Physics Group-I

obj. d. Physics Group-II

Outlines of Home Economics

sub (Arabic)

sub (Civics)

sub (Economics)

sub (Education)

sub (Fine Art)

sub (Geography)

sub (Health and Physical Education)

sub (History of Islam (Abbasids of Baghdad

sub (History of Islam (Muslims in Spain)

sub (History of Pakistan 1947-1973)

sub (Islamic Studies Elective)

sub (Library Science)

sub (Outlines of Home Economics)

sub (Pakistan Studies Group-II)

sub (Pakistan Studies)

sub (Persian)

sub (Philosophy)

sub (Principles of Accounting)

sub (Principles of Accounting)

sub (Principles of Commerce)

sub (Principles of Economics & Commercial

sub (Psychology)

sub (Punjabi)

sub (Saraiki)

sub (Sociology)

sub (Urdu Advance)

sub (Urdu Compulsory Group-I)

sub (Urdu Compulsory Group-II)

sub Biology

sub Business Mathematics and Statistics

sub Chemistry Group-I

sub Chemistry Group-II

sub Computer Science

sub English Elective

sub Mathematics Group-I

sub Mathematics Group-II_


sub PAKISTANI CULTURE For Foreign Students in Lieu of Urdu Compulsory

sub Physics Group-I

sub Physics Group-II

sub Principles of Commerce Computer Studies

sub Principles of Commerce Computer Studies

sub Statistics

sub Computer Science

sub SP (Arabic)

sub SP (Education)

sub SP (Health and Physical Education)

sub SP (Islamic Studies Elective)

sub SP (Pakistan Studies)

sub SP (Urdu Compulsory Group-I)

sub SP _English Compulsory

sub. (Fine Art)

sub. (Geography)

sub. (Health and Physical Education)

sub. (Library Science)

sub. (Outlines of Home Economics)

sub. (Psychology)

sub. Biology

sub. Business Mathematics and Statistics

sub. Chemistry Group-I

sub. Chemistry Group-II

sub. Mathematics Group-I

sub. Physics Group-I

sub. Physics Group-II

sub. Statistics

sub.. Chemistry Group-I_