A candidate who appeared in Part-I Examination and got less than 33% marks in Paper/s and wants to appear in these papers alongwith Part-II (10th class) Examination, even after the submission of admission form, he may be allowed on the request made on simple paper at least 30 days before the commencement of examination with a fee of Rs.1000.
- A candidate who appeared in Part-I Examination and got less than 33% marks in Paper/s or allowed to re-appear in Part-II/Composite but mentioned full paper/s of Part-I and Part-II/ Composite in the admission form, will also be permitted to appear in his failing subjects only, if otherwise eligible, on his request which should reach the office at least 30 days before the commencement of examination and thereafter, following fee would be levied, if the request for change of option is received:-
- Within less than 30 days before the commencement of examination. 2000/-
- After the commencement of examination, 20 days before the declaration of the result. RS. 2500/