What is the procedure of Marks improvement?

The candidates of the following categories who passed the SSC Examination: are entitled to improve the aggregate of marks in one opportunity in the parent Board by reappearing as a private candidate within a period of two year of passing the said Exam.

  1. As per rule for the purpose of improvement of division or grade or marks a candidate who has passed the SSC (Part-II) Examination will be provided with one examination opportunity in current / prevalent syllabus within a period of two years in same subject/ group in which he /she has previously passed the examination. It will be discretion of a candidate whether he/ she appears for improvement of marks as a whole or in Part-I or in Part-II or in subject/ subjects. However if he/she appears for improvement of marks in the subject/subjects he/she will be bound to take both paper i.e. Part-I & Part-II. In the paper consisting of theory and practical improvement of marks shall be determined on the basis of total marks after obtaining requisite pass marks in each component separately, whereas on improvement of marks in other papers improved result shall be issued. In case a candidate fails to improve his/ her division or grade or marks, his/her previous result will remain intact.


  1. If a candidate appears in whole part for improvement of grade/marks and obtains higher marks than his / her previous examination, his/her grade stands improved despite of that he / she obtains less marks than the previous in one or more papers.
  2. If a candidate appears in subject/s, he/she is bound to appear in both parts of that subject/s. In case he /she obtains more marks in this subject ( paper Part-I + Paper Part-II) than previous marks in the same subjects will fall in the category of improvement and if he/she obtains less marks will fall in the category of not improved and his/ her previous status in this subject will remain intact.
  3. If a candidate appears in more subjects for improvement, and gets more marks in one subject and fails to get more marks in other subjects, then the subject in which he/she got more marks than previous will be considered improved in that subject only while his/her previous marks will remain intact in the subjects in which he/she fails to improve.
  4. If a candidate appeared in more than one subjects and remained absent in one subject while the other subjects improved then he will be awarded improved marks in those subjects in which he/she improved and the old marks will be given in the subject in which he/she did not appear.
    • A candidate, after passing his /her Part-I (9th Class) Examination, could improve his/her marks of Part-I(9th Class) Examination along with Part-II Examination. For this purpose he/she will be bound to forgo his/her Part-I result after depositing of prescribe fee @. In such a case, no further examination opportunity will be given to him/her improving his/her marks.
    • A candidate who has passed the examination by taking the benefit of concessional marks in any subject/s, and wants to improve the marks in part-I or Part-II or subject, he /she will have to appear in the subject/s in which he has earned the concessional marks.
    • Candidates appearing under category (21.1) or (21.2) if successful in improving the aggregate of marks shall be granted a new certificate on surrendering his previous certificate for cancellation. The chance available to the candidate for improvement of marks in category (21.1) or (21.2) will be considered consumed when he physically appears in the examination whether in one or more papers. A candidate who fails to improve his marks shall retain his original certificate. More over those candidates who passed two subjects through any Board at SSC/HSSC level after passing the CGE “O” & “A” level Examinations extended this facility to the candidates of Sanvia Amma/Saniva Khassa/Al-Suna Sharqia Examinations.