Functions of BISE Multan
The main function of the Boards are as under:-
- To hold and conduct examinations pertaining to Intermediate Education, Secondary Education, Pakistani and Classical Languages and such other examinations as determined by the government.
- To accord, refuse or withdraw recognition to the Educational Institutions.
- To lay down conditions for appointment to various examinations held by the Board.
- To grant certificates and diplomas to the successful candidates.
- To fix, demand and receive fee as may be prescribed by.
- To award scholarships, medals and prizes to position holders.
- To organize and promote extra mural activities.
- To create posts and appoint such staff as may be considered necessary for the purpose of its functions; provided that a post in Bs-17 or above, shall be created with a prior approval of the Controlling Authority.
- To make provision for building’s premises, furniture, apparatus, books and other means required for carrying out the purposes of the Act.